Leap Stories

What’s your leapstory?


I’ve become fascinated by seemingly “overnight” successes and 180 degree shifts in people’s lives, careers and businesses that catapulted them into dramatic changes, health, shifts, happiness, love and/or success. Sure, some of the “overnight successes” were years in the making but others truly made significant advances in a very short period of time. Businesses that went from start up to millions in just a couple of years. Health situations that were dire yet turned around in a short period of time. Relationships that were challenging and nearly over but turned around into a partnership that inspires. Those miraculous turnarounds are leapstories.

And, I wonder…..What was the tipping point in each situation? What can we learn from them?
I believe that each of the dramatic transformations we see in the media and those around us can be drilled down to a single moment. A moment of decision, a change in perception, a tipping point, timing, divine intervention…..some special circumstance that made a difference. I believe that each of us has the innate ability and right to keep reinventing ourselves, our lives, situations, businesses and relationship to something abundant that feeds our souls and the souls around us.

A few months ago, I had one of those birthdays that came by so quickly that it I’m still recovering from whiplash. Wow. Really? Already? Yes, it goes by quickly. And, since that time went by so quickly, it was now time to make the most of the time left. To live more boldly. To take chances, build legacies, deepen true friendships, choose new friends wisely, stand in integrity always, laugh more often, travel, have more adventures, righten wrongs and taking better care of my health and well-being.

Leapstories’ mission is to become a portal of inspiration and resources for those looking to (re)ignite something in our lives, businesses and relationships. It is meant to be a forum where others can share their own leapstories and what made a difference to them. Or, to ask questions so that we can all learn, grow, give, share and live abundantly.
Welcome. I am grateful you stopped by for a read and can’t wait to hear your leapstory!

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